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Rights Issue

Plastics Unbound AB

Use smaller Injection Molding Machines with lower clamping force

The same parts can be made at much lower injection pressure and clamping force, thus allowing the use of smaller injection moulding machines. Or the same machinery can be used to mold larger parts.

The system is plug-n-play and runs with any injection molding machine. At the heart of the system is a patented long-life aluminium mold design that is easy to make at a lower cost. The mold is thermally driven by a high-performance, all-in-one thermal management unit, designed by Plastics Unbound and made in Switzerland.


Anyone who was a shareholder in Plastics Unbound AB on the record date of January 9, 2025 has preferential rights to subscribe for shares, in relation to previous shareholdings. Anyone who is a registered shareholder on the record date shall recieve one (1) subscription right for each held share in Plastics Unbound AB. To subscribe for nine (9) new shares at the subscription price of 0.73 SEK per share one (1) subscription right is needed. For subscription without subscription rights, the above registration form can be used. When subscribing via ISK/KF accounts, subscription must be made in agreement with the bank/custodian where the account is located.

Rights Issue

Issuing Agent

SEK 65m
January 2025
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