Insplorion AB
Insplorion is a Swedish CleanTech company, founded as a spinoff from Chalmers University of Technology in 2010. The proprietary sensor technology platform, NanoPlasmonic Sensing (NPS) is based on the optical phenomenon plasmonic resonance, which enables fast and specific measurements through optical read-out. The technology has a solid foundation from years of research through Chalmers.
Anyone who was a shareholder in Insplorion AB on the record date of October 4, 2024 has preferential rights to subscribe for shares, in relation to previous shareholdings. Anyone who is a registered shareholder on the record date shall recieve nine (9) unit rights for each held share in Insplorion AB. To subscribe for one (1) new unit at the subscription price of 0.80 SEK per unit five (5) unit rights are needed. One unit consists of one (1) share and one (1) warrant of series TO3. For subscription without unit rights, the above registration form can be used. When subscribing via ISK/KF accounts, subscription must be made in agreement with the bank/custodian where the account is located.